United Nations General Assembly adopted 17 Sustainable Development Goals. The goals will guide global development until 2030 shared by states, businesses and communities around the world.
Agora Group strives to achieve the objectives of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the areas rele-vant to our business operations. The main aspects of the implementation of the indicated objectives in 20219 are described below.
We view our responsibility as our impact on the environment and contribution to the society. Since 2017 we have strategically developed our CSR profile by adopting responsibility directions. Our motto is Responsible Everyday. In 2019 the main axis of Agora Group’s activities was formed by sustainable development and introduction of Environmental Policy of Agora, as well as a host of educational and communication activities. Therefore, we have expanded our motto to Responsible Everyday. We Care About the Environment! Responsible Everyday. Strategic approach to responsibility (Codziennie odpowiedzialni. Strategiczne podejście do odpowiedzialności) is a document that outlines the main directions adopted by Agora S.A. in the areas of corporate social responsibility and sustained development. Responsible growth, building lasting relations with the business environment and commitment to social and workplace diversity are the pillars of Agora’s responsible management approach.
Specific goals shall be updated annually in Responsibility Report of Agora Group. They are drawn directly from the directions indicated in the document and aspects related to the Group’s commitment to pursuing UN Sustainable Development Goals.
5P PRINCIPLE (People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace, Partnership): is a new vision for growth based on the Sustainable Development Goals UN, presented in Agenda 2030, that focuses on 5 major transformation dimensions: People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace, Partnership.
As a revision of the Sustainable Development Goals indicated in 2018 Report, in line with the 5P Principle, we indicate two key CSR directions: People and Planet. Agora Group shall continue delivering solutions towards developing human capital, social capital and sustainable growth, in particular in environmental impact.
Our supplementary directions are: Prosperity and Peace. Agora Group supports economic growth rooted in innovation, in sustainable cities and societies free from inequality. We are actively engaged in building civil community and support institutions protecting the freedom of media and democracy.
Partnership was indicated as a supplementary direction strengthening the activities in the directions listed above.
Agora Group strives to achieve the objectives of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the areas rele-vant to our business operations. The main aspects of the implementation of the indicated objectives are described below.
UN SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS (SDGs) United Nations General Assembly adopted 17 Sustainable Development Goals. The goals will guide global development until 2030 shared by states, businesses and communities around the world.
charity activities helping people in need
education of the society on the necessity to support people in need
education towards rational consumption and preventing food wasting
improving the quality of life and health in the society through actions and initiatives promotion of healthy lifestyle
activities for improving the quality of education
supporting education providers, schools and teachers
educational activities, including educational initiatives and campaigns
effective counteracting discrimination based on sex
strengthening the participation and role of women in decision-making at all levels
striving for equal treatment in all aspects of employment
activities supporting gender equality and equal treatment
initiatives strengthening the role of women in contemporary society
monitoring the use of water
rational use of resources
education about water supply problem in Poland and promotion of tap water consumption
striving to maximise energy efficiency
optimisation of electricity consumption through pro-eco activities and introduction of new solutions
ecological education focusing on energy efficiency
development of competences Agora’s employees
ensuring stable employment
employee involvement
human rights in the workplace
ensuring respect for human rights
developing and maintaining existing operations based on responsible business standards
innovative solutions for optimising consumption of resources are applied in state-of-the-art advertising displays, city furniture, etc.
Agora’s printing plants introduce and develop environment friendly technologies and production processes
effective prevention of discrimination on any grounds and in any aspect
initiating and supporting projects and activities towards the achievement of this goal
supporting the development of smart cities through ecological, interactive and functional solutions
supporting the development of sustainable cities and their inhabitants, addressing the most important aspects of urban development
initiating and supporting projects and activities towards the achievement of goal 10
reducing waste output
providing top quality services, responding to the needs and expectations of clients
building positive and lasting relations with clients
fair treatment of our business partners and upholding the highest ethical standards and transparency in relations with them
offering products and services that meet the needs of sensitive users
striving towards the goals of circular economy
estimating the impact of activities on the climate
solutions and actions to minimize negative impact
education and reliable information about climate change
education and reliable information about climate change, including endangered of ocean and sea ecosystems
education and reliable information about climate change, including biodiversity
effective system of ethics and compliance ensuring efficient counteracting all forms of abuse
counteracting corruption and bribery and exercising due diligence in the context of cooperation with the environment
reporting and monitoring of fraud and protection of whistleblowers
strengthening institutions and organizations that contribute to social development and the growth of civic society
partnership for growth, particularly development of education, culture, art, journalism and mass media and supporting gender equality
Agora Group adopted the following CSR goals. Detailed descriptions of the goals are provided in the respective sections of this report.
Targets for 2019 were presented in Agora Group Responsibility Report 2018. Achievement of the CSR goals is discussed in detail relevant parts of the Agora Group Report. Below is the summary:
Corporate social responsibility of Agora Group in 2019
Stakeholders of the Agora Group are all parties with interest in the company’s operations that are in any way affected by them. In the process of mapping stakeholders, Agora identified key groups and optimal forms of engagement and dialogue for each group. Agora Group makes every effort to regularly reach out to all stakeholders through addressing queries, opinions, doubts, etc. Continued interaction allows the company to learn about the expectations of the stakeholders and builds lasting relations with the environment. A major challenge in the dialogue process is to ensure its continuity and develop formal instruments such as regular customer surveys. The principles of dialogue adopted by the Agora Group are: cyclicality, directness and two-sidedness.
Responsible everyday: diversity, relations, growth – is the motto of the interactive report of Agora Group describing our strategic approach to corporate responsibility. The report includes information on age and gender diversity of the employees of Agora Group, our engagement in community projects of our clients and business partners and about our commitment to protecting the environment. The new report of Agora Group focuses in particular on the achievement of UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the pillars of the group’s CSR strategy: diversity, relations and growth. The report covers areas: workplace, human rights, ethics and compliance, responsibility towards clients and suppliers, social and environmental impact as well as corporate governance and business model.
Section DEVELOPMENT OF CSR STRATEGY covers Agora’s approach to responsibility, goals and results of the strategy implementation, map of stakeholders and principles of dialogue therewith and management of non-financial risks.
Diversity offers information on employment structure, professional development opportunities and employee training as well as health and safety in the workplace
Additionally, along with projects promoting health, culture and fitness among the employees, the section describes activities to support healthy work-life balance and prevention of discrimination and mobbing in the workplace.
Relations presents the ethics system introduced in 2018 as well as Agora Code of Ethics and the principles of whistleblowers protection. The section also covers the values chain and the principles of building relationships with clients, suppliers and contractors.
Growth summarizes the company’s good practices in community engagement and public benefit (including education, culture and charity ),and environmental indicators.
The report is available in Polish and English on dedicated website raportCSR.agora.pl. To present the impact of Agora Group on the environment in an optimally clear and straightforward manner, the interactive offers infographics, descriptions of 65 good practices, as well as over 50 tables and listings with information and data. Over 120 figures highlight key results and effectiveness indices. The report also lists references to 87 GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) indicators listed in an interactive table.. On raportCSR.agora.pl all visitors can fill a questionnaire and provide feedback on the current report as well as expectations towards future reports.
Agora received the second Silver Leaf for commitment to social responsibility and was included in the list of Polityka developed with Deloitte and Responsible Business Forum. Agora received CSR Silver Leaf for catering to all key elements of social responsibility ISO 26000 standard in their everyday operations. Winners of the eigth CSR Leaves contest were announced at a special gala held on 16 April 2019.
Agora won Silver CSR Leaf for implementing all key management categories of ISO 26000 standard (including: organizational governance, ethics, human rights, labour practices, environmental impact management, fair operating practices and consumer issues, as well as community involvement and development). In 2018 Agora received CSR White Leaf.
School with Class is a campaign conducted jointly by Centre for Citizenship Education and Gazeta Wyborcza in 2002-2005 was listed among national CSR projects of the highest value for the community in the past 30 years. The list of local and national projects was announced at a conference Społeczne wyzwania biznesu po 30 latach gospodarki wolnorynkowej w Polsce (Social Challenges to Business after 30 Years of Free Market Economy in Poland), held on 10 October 2019 at Ministry of Investment and Economic Development. School with Class was launched in 2002 by Gazeta Wyborcza and Centre for Citizenship Education. The campaign was addressed to primary and secondary schools, was designed to promote civic and interactive teaching standards and attracted participation from thousands of schools countrywide. School with Class is based on six smart-school principals, for creating a school welcoming to students, teachers and parents. Challenges were developed corresponding to each principle and schools participating in the programme were tasked with achieving one challenge for each principle. For unlocking all achievements, the school received the title of School with Class. The campaign was recognized in the 30×30 Ranking of national CSR projects of the highest value for the community in the last 30 years (Ranking 30×30 – CSR projects of the last 30 years). In the 30×30 Ranking - CSR projects of the 30 years – 30 national and local projects were selected, representing various categories. In total, 60 social projects conducted by business that had the highest impact on the society over the last 30 years. The projects were selected by a group of CSR experts. The project is organized by THINKTANK, and coordinated by Responsible Business Forum. The ranking is available on website.
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